New Riders Video

Every once in a blue moon I make a you tube thing… this is #3. These are “work in progress” shots I took with my phone of a painting I am working on for The Hobonomicon #3… as of this writing, the painting is still a work in progress. Not great film making by any stretch of the imagination but some might be interested in seeing how I work on the painting. I keep promising myself that I will eventually make those time lapse videos of myself working on the painting for social media.

I don’t really feel like I have very good plans ahead of time when I work on a painting like this – usually I start off with just two or three colors and then keep adding, trying to figure out what works. Sometimes I need to stop working on it for a while and let it sit.

Someone asked me about the music – a few years ago my computer lost its mind and I had to use a data rescue program to save what I could. It apparently saved everything – including the various music files from video games, which have been saved to my hard drive as mpegs. So now when I search for “music” on my computer, in addition to all the normal music files (i.e.: actual songs from iTunes and the like), I also get all kinds of files of incidental music from video games.


2021 ink on paper

recent work

Boschian Road Race

This is an (incomplete) painting for the Hobonomicon I was working on last year. I never finished it (and eventually submitted this painting instead) but I finally got around to scanning this one. Mixed media on watercolor paper.